
22km Route

Download route files: .kmz .gpx 

45km Route

Download route files: .kmz .gpx

82km Route

Download route files: .kmz 


There will be 4 waterpoints across the 3 distances. They will all stock Coke, water and a selection of sweets, with the exception of Waterpoint 1 and 3 which will also have salted baby potatoes.


  • Waterpoint 1 (R301/ Bainskloof Pass alcove): Coke, water, jelly sweets & baby potatoes
  • Waterpoint 2 (Old Hermon Rd): Coke, water, jelly sweets 
  • Waterpoint 3 (Elandsberg Farm & Old Hermon Rd): Coke, water, jelly sweets & baby potatoes
  • Waterpoint 4 (Limitrivier Boerdery): Coke, water, sweets 


WP 4: 13.5km


WP3: 16.5km

WP4: 35.4km


WP1: 18.4km

WP2: 40.5km

WP3: 54km

WP4: 73.3km